Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The present paper attempts to determine the National education policy 2020 and the role of libraries and information centers. However, these prospects have not been revealed clearly in NEP. However, libraries with quality collections of digital resources must communicate quality education. According to NEP 2020, several educational levels will be introduced, including fundamental education, preparatory education, middle education, secondary education, under-graduation, post-graduation education stage, Research Stage, and Lifelong learning stage. NEP has emphasized the significance of libraries in a number of areas, including the preservation of national heritage and the promotion of reading culture. Additionally, through practicing fixed librarianship, library professionals must identify new areas in which they can improve and increase the effect of higher education scholars. The author of this review talked about how the government and universities are changing their roles in libraries for NEP. The paper states that the management libraries in the higher education sector must be established as centers for student and research support and play a custodial role.