Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 7-21-2023

Document Type



The Information Age has revolutionized society through the use of computers and digital technology, enabling improved communication, increased productivity, and versatile working. However, this period has also resulted in excessive data collection and surveillance, threatening individual privacy, freedom of expression, and civic engagement. Despite data privacy laws, the increasing use of automated technologies by both government and private entities has made it difficult to safeguard individual rights. In the digital age, personal privacy is becoming increasingly difficult to protect, with the omnipresent danger of personal data being stolen or sold. To address this, various processes have been suggested, including using a Virtual Private Network (VPN), encrypting emails, being cautious with links and attachments, looking for privacy indicators on websites, using anti-malware and anti-virus protection, and following the principle of least privilege. Libraries play a crucial role in promoting and protecting individual privacy by empowering individuals, developing procedures to protect patron privacy, advocating for privacy in the public sphere, and educating users about the importance of digital privacy. By implementing these steps, individuals and organizations can protect their personal information and prevent hackers from accessing sensitive data. As we continue to navigate the Information Age, protecting privacy and promoting digital literacy will be critical in ensuring a safe and equitable future.
