Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This work tackles the need to evaluate and identify fresh assessment techniques utilized in LIS education during and after the COVID-19 epidemic. It investigates the impact of digital media, feedback, formative assessments, and concerns such as cheating and authenticity, providing critical insights for future assessment practises in the post-pandemic period. Accordingly, there is a pressing need to employ new assessment tools post-pandemic to adapt to online and hybrid learning challenges. This qualitative study investigates complex social phenomena in higher education assessments by exploring behaviours, preferences, beliefs, customs, attitudes, viewpoints, and experiences. Twelve LIS instructors, 6 teaching and learning administrators, and 20 LIS students from South Africa and Nigeria were chosen using convenience sampling. Key informant interviews were conducted, with constructivist learning orientation-driven questions examining new assessment technologies, the role of digital media in student assessment, authenticity concerns in e-assessment, feedback and formative assessments. The research concludes that incorporating Computer-Based Learning (CLT) in e-assessments for LIS education enhances students’ knowledge construction and accessibility. Digital examinations offer benefits like instant feedback and personalized learning experiences, leading to improved problem-solving skills and decision-making. Future research should focus on larger, diverse samples and longitudinal approaches to evaluate intervention effectiveness and sustainability.
