Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 11-1-2023

Document Type




Please find the attached article and we shall highly obliged if you consider the article on your prestigious journal.


Koha is a widely-used open-source Integrated Library System (ILS) that offers a range of modules to support libraries' diverse functions and workflows. This abstract provides a brief introduction to Koha and its modules. Koha is designed to help libraries efficiently manage their collections, automate critical processes, and provide enhanced services to their users. It is built on open-source principles, allowing libraries to customize and tailor the system to their needs. The core modules of Koha encompass essential library functions. The Koha modules are the Acquisition module, Cataloguing module, OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) module, Serial Control module, Circulation module, Patron Management module, OPAC module, Report module, and Tools module. This paper describes in brief about different modules available in Koha
