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The rapid advancement of information technology has an impact on easier access to information, which could encourage academic plagiarism. If plagiarism is not overcome, it can have a number of consequences, including copyright infringement and the emergence of the assumption that plagiarism is a simple way to create a scientific work. Thus, actions are required to overcome plagiarism, one of which is understanding the perception of students as academicians who frequently commit plagiarism, so strategies to overcome it may be provided. This is a quantitative study based on a survey of 106 students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The data obtained were analyzed using statistical methods, both descriptively and inferentially, using the Chi-Square Test. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that even though students already have an understanding of the concept and consequences of plagiarism, there are still many acts of plagiarism committed by students, especially partial plagiarism. Based on the perception of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta students, the main thing that affects plagiarism is limited time and a lack of understanding of reference writing techniques. As a result, the solution that can be implemented is for universities to implement policies that impose consequences for plagiarism, such as grade reductions. Meanwhile, students also have to uphold academic integrity, gain confidence in their talents, and demonstrate a willingness to learn reference writing techniques.
