Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 11-1-2023

Document Type



The emergence of information and communication technologies has transformed the landscape of public libraries, necessitating a well-trained and motivated library workforce to handle the challenges of the information explosion. Public libraries, as social service organizations, cater to a diverse audience and require improved working conditions, environmental comfort, and service delivery consciousness among their staff. Capacity building, defined as the development and reinforcement of skills, abilities, and resources, plays a crucial role in empowering library professionals to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing information environment. This paper discusses the concept of capacity building and its significance in public libraries, with a focus on Imo State Library Board in Nigeria. It explores the challenges that hinder effective capacity building programs, such as insufficient funding, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to training opportunities. To address these challenges and reposition public library services, the paper recommends increased funding for capacity building, the integration of capacity building policies, qualified trainers, and robust support from management. In an era of digital transformation and evolving user needs, capacity building programs are essential for equipping public library staff with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide efficient and effective services. By implementing these recommendations, public libraries can better serve their communities and adapt to the changing information landscape.
