Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 11-13-2023

Document Type



Literature reviews are an essential part of research, and they require a significant amount of time and effort to be able to search through the millions of academic papers both online and physically. However, with the advent of AI-powered search engines, the process of conducting literature reviews has become more efficient and effective. AI-powered search engines use machine learning algorithms to analyze large volumes of data and provide researchers with relevant and accurate information in a matter of seconds. The importance of AI-powered search engines in literature reviews cannot be overstated. They help researchers save time, improve the accuracy and relevance of their results, and provide comprehensive results that traditional literature review methods may miss. The purpose of this article is to provide researchers with a comprehensive guide on how to leverage AI-powered search engines for the literature review process. It discusses the advantages of using AI-powered search engines, how to choose the right search engine, tips for using them effectively and avoid pitfalls in the use of these tools.
