"Social Media and User-Centric Approach: A Comprehensive Exploration" by Suresh Madhavrao Manekar

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-23-2023

Document Type



The communication industry has skilled a significant model shift in recent times because of the ubiquitous impact of social media (Smith, 2021). In addition to reforming interpersonal communication, these platforms have emerged as vital channels for the dissemination of information and the development of societies (Jones et al., 2020). This chapter explores the transition towards a user-centric approach and the development of social media stages over time. This investigation is built upon the user-centric approach, which prioritises the customization of digital experiences according to individual preferences. It is crucial to grasp the multi-layered effects of social media on group domains, including information sharing, communication, and community development, by adopting a user-centric perspective on its dynamics (Brown & Johnson, 2019). This chapter examines the implications of adopting a user-centric design and implementation approach for social media platforms on user assignation, satisfaction, and well-being as a whole. It emphasises the implication of this approach.
