"Patrons of D.V.G Public Library, Kolar are Aware of and Using the Info" by Geetha C S and M S Akshay Kumar

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



The most important aspect of any library is its patrons. Any library’s goal is to determine what its users need, meet those needs, and satisfy them to the best of its ability. When it comes to public libraries, they face greater challenges in meeting the requirements of their increasingly diverse readership. The present study is an attempt to analyze the awareness and usage of the information sources and services offered by the D.V.G. public library, Kolar. A well-structured questionnaire was distributed to draw the data from the users. Responses from the users show that 95% of respondents are aware of and use them to fulfill their information needs. The study suggests improving the ICT infrastructure to enhance the patron's satisfaction level.
