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Digital Phobia: an inquiry for mapping the unseen dimension of new Digital Anxiety, the ‘DIGIPHOBIA’

Date of this Version

Winter 1-14-2024

Document Type



This paper, first time to appear on any publication medium.


Background: As technology continues to advance, individuals' interactions with digital platforms have become integral to daily life. Amidst this technological evolution, a novel concern emerges—Digital Phobia, hereafter referred to as “Digiphobia.” This phenomenon, although not previously explored in scholarly literature, necessitates an in-depth investigation due to its potential impact on individuals' well-being. Our research employs a two-step methodology to investigate its existence, implications, and manifestations.

Introduction: This research paper introduces and proposes the term "Digiphobia" as a comprehensive conceptualization of anxiety arising from interactions with digital spaces, applications, and environments. The proliferation of digital technologies has led to the emergence of various psychological phenomena associated with digital experiences. In this context, our study introduces and recommends a novel term, "Digiphobia," to encapsulate the evolving apprehensions and anxieties related to digital interactions, a concept not previously explored in scholarly literature.The study employs a two-step approach, combining content analysis of existing scientific literature and the development of a conceptual framework rooted in cyberpsychology, digital anxiety, and the newly coined term, "Digiphobia."

Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to map the unseen dimensions of Digiphobia, shedding light on the conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of this emerging digital anxiety. By establishing a new conceptual framework, the research aims to provide a foundational understanding of Digiphobia within the context of contemporary digital experiences. This framework is further enriched through the exploration of the unseen dimensions within cyberpsychology, digital space/environment, digital anxiety, and digital phobia.

Methodology: Our research follows a two-step approach. Firstly, we conduct a content analysis of scientific literature to review and analyze existing conceptualizations related to digital anxiety, digital phobia and related concepts. Secondly, we employ a mapping technique to uncover hidden dimensions within the conceptual framework of cyberpsychology, digital space, digital anxiety, and digital phobia, with a specific focus on the newly introduced term "Digiphobia."

Design and Approach: The study adopts a comprehensive design, combining content analysis with a conceptual framework approach. By synthesizing insights from existing literature and framing them within the context of cyberpsychology, the research offers a holistic exploration of Digiphobia.

Results and Findings: The study establishes a robust conceptual framework for Digiphobia, contributing a novel perspective to the scholarly discourse on digital phobia. Through content analysis and conceptual mapping, the research identifies and outlines the conceptual and theoretical foundations of Digiphobia, elucidating its emergence from digital platforms, applications, techniques, and environments.

Limitations: While this research provides a foundational exploration of Digiphobia, limitations include the evolving nature of digital technologies and the potential for subjective interpretations in content analysis. Additionally, the study is confined to scholarly databases, possibly excluding alternative perspectives.

Originality and Value: This research significantly contributes to the field by introducing the term "Digiphobia" and providing a pioneering conceptual framework. The study enriches existing knowledge on digital phobia by synthesizing insights from cyberpsychology, digital space, and related fields, thereby offering a more holistic understanding of the psychological implications of digital interactions or experiences.

Conclusions: In conclusion, this study establishes "Digiphobia" as a pertinent concept in the realm of digital psychology. In other hand, this study advances our understanding of Digiphobia and its conceptual foundations. The conceptual framework developed through content analysis and cyberpsychology exploration enhances our understanding of the evolving challenges associated with digital experiences. The findings offer valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers engaged in addressing psychological aspects of digital interactions.

Future Perspectives: Future research should explore its manifestations, interventions, and implications for mental health in the evolving digital landscape.

Paper Type: This research paper falls under the category of a conceptual investigation and theoretical review, offering a new term, "Digiphobia," and presenting a comprehensive framework for understanding the emerging dimensions of digital anxiety.

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