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This study investigated health information needs and sources of information as determinants of farmers information-seeking behaviour in Kwara State, Nigeria. The study adopted a four-stage sampling technique to select 360 farmers on whom the questionnaire was administered. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Pearson's Product Moment Correlation. The study revealed that the information needs of farmers include information on health hazard preventive measures, identification of signs and symptoms and use of pesticides (x̄ = 27.91, SD = 9.76). Further, farmers' information-seeking behaviours include obtained from health professionals, farmers' groups, health programmes and knowledge transferred from older people in the community (x̄ = 14.73, SD = 4.166). The sources of information to the farmers included health brochures, farmers associations, and community health centres (x̄ = 22.74, SD = 9.057). Some of the challenges farmers face include poverty, geographical distance, and a shortage of experienced professionals (x̄ = 18.95, SD = 6.749). A significant relationship was found between health information needs and information-seeking behaviour (r = 0.052; p = 0.000; p < 0.05), sources of information and information-seeking behaviour (r = 0.152; p = 0.000; p < 0.05), and health information needs and sources of information had a joint influence on information seeking behaviour. The study recommended that governments at different levels - local, state, and federal should create more health information awareness on various specific information sources available to the farmers; farmers' associations should continuously organize seminars for farmers; among others.
