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This study attempts to examine the Information Literacy skills of Sarpanches during Covid-19 in Punjab. The main objectives of the study are to explore information needs, use of information sources and general awareness of Sarpanches during the Pandemic. Survey method was used to collect data from 103 sarpanches of different districts of Punjab with the help of a self-structured questionnaire. The study found that sarpanches have shown good Information Literacy skills during Pandemic. They were well informed and aware about different aspects of Covid-19 such as origin, safety measures, government instructions etc. State government was also successful to achieve its goal of corona free villages due to awareness and active participation of sarpanches. Newspapers, news channels, social media and government websites were some major information sources for them to acquire information. Government websites were the most reliable source of information. The study recommends to arrange regular training programmes and workshops for sarpanches to enhance their Information Literacy skills.
