"Assessing The Integration of Information and Communication Technology " by Akosua Boatemaa Adarkwa, Adwoa Pokua - Ababio et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study assesses the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in library service delivery at the Ashanti Regional Library. Specifically, it sought to assess the available ICT infrastructure in the library, evaluate the extent of adoption of ICT tools by the library, examine the ICT skill level of staff and users, identify challenges in the usage of ICT infrastructure, and propose measures for improving ICT in the library. A survey research design was employed to gather responses from 66 library users/patrons and 25 library staff through the use of questionnaires. Findings indicate a moderate level of ICT adoption indicating a need for more investment in ICT services to support library service delivery at the Ashanti Regional Library. The study also reveals the presence of different ICT facilities, including computers, printers, photocopiers and internet connectivity. The lack of other key ICT tools such as scanner, projectors, television suggest a potential gap that may require improvement or investment. Challenges such as slow internet connectivity, unstable power supply, high cost of ICT facilities, inadequate expertise, and insufficient equipment still persist. The study concludes that securing funds to upgrade and expand ICT infrastructure, providing continuous training for staff and users, fostering collaboration and partnerships, ensuring reliable power supply, and implementing an ICT management policy will go a long way to improve library service delivery.
