Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) former Tai Solarin College of Education (TASCE) was upgraded into first University of Education in Nigeria in 2005. when Tai Solarin University of Education was established in2005, alibrary started with it with the mandate of providing, organizing and making available print and non-print information resources for students, and faculty, non-academic and academic community to aid teaching, learning and research. Since the establishment of the University and notable changes in the library status and efforts made so far in meeting information needs of its users (Students, faculty and non-academic staff and academic community), there has not been any study to assess the extent the library has done in providing information resources and services to the faculty staff of the University. The study seeks to ascertain the level of availability of library resources to faculty staff in this University, investigate the frequency of use by the faculty staff of this University library resources, determine the level of use of library resources by faculty members of this University, and to discover factors that hindered the use of library resources by faculty staff of this University.
