Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Winter 6-29-2024
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Abubakar, L. & Saka, K. A. (2021). Relationships among ICT Training, Digital skills Acquisition, Use and Digital Reference Services of Library Personnel in Universities in North-West Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 4917. Retrieved from: 3-3-2023.
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This research explores the adoption and use of digital reference services in federal university libraries in northern Nigeria. The study employed a mixed-method approach using exploratory research design. Both questionnaires and interviews were used for the collection of relevant data. Twenty (20) questionnaires were administered, and all retrieved successfully (100%). Meanwhile, questionnaires were analyzed in a tabular form to demonstrate how each objective of the study was achieved whereas thematic analysis was used for the analysis of the interview. The findings reveal that thirteen (13) out of twenty (20) federal university libraries have adopted one or different forms of digital reference services (representing more than half or the majority). In comparison, two (2) university libraries have their services failed due to technical problems. However, five (5) federal university libraries were in the process of adopting the services. Also,majority of the libraries adopted in the year 2018. Also, in the majority (12) of the libraries, e- Librarians were responsible for the provision of the services in the e-library, and only four (4) university libraries of federal universities Kashere, Zaria, Lafia, and Ilorin have their services provided in the reference unit by a reference librarian. About, six (6) university libraries in federal universities of Kashere (537), Zaria (5,685), Dutsin Ma (10,521), Jos (11,705), Lafia (2,877), and Makurdi (125) recorded statistics of patronage of the services. It has been recommended that digital reference services should be the top priority in services offered to the users in federal university libraries through adopting different forms of digital reference services, competent and ICT skilled personnel should be recruited, and services should be extended beyond e-library or reference section but all other units of the library, an up-to-date record of statistics of patronage should be kept. Lastly, adequate funding should be released to the federal university libraries to acquire the necessary ICT facilities for effective digital reference services.