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Boateng, M.S.(2012). The role of Information and Communication Technologies in Ghana's Rural Development.Library Philosophy and Practice...



Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) hold tremendous potential for rural development in Ghana in the areas of agriculture, health, Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), and education. Using the theoretical sampling method,this paper takes a closer look at the ICT scene in Ghana from 2000 to 2011 with emphasis on the role of ICTs in rural development.The paper also draws attention to the efforts made by past and present governments of Ghana to solve the major problems facing ICTs development in Ghana. Investigations from the study revealed that ICTs play major roles in the socio economic development of rural areas in Ghana with a huge potential for accelerated development in these rural areas. ICTs have contributed immensely to improve communications, deepen decentralization, and attract Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). ICTs have also contributed in automation of Rural Banks, networking, information sharing and the provision of ICT enhanced distance learning in the rural areas of Ghana. However, there are some serious challenges militating against the full realization of ICTs role in Ghana’s rural development. Issues such as unavailability of electricity, lack of ICTs equipment, high level of illiteracy, user acceptance and local content have to be addressed before the full potential of ICTs role in Ghana’s rural development can be achieved. Some recommendations are made as to what the government and other development agencies can do to address these challenges.
