Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln




This paper examines the functions of interpersonal communication in rendering reference services in two university libraries in Nigeria. They are the federal University of Technology Minna, and Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai. The aim was to find out the extent to which interpersonal communication affect provision of reference services in the two university libraries. The survey research method was employed. Questionnaires are the main instrument for data collection. Face to face interview was used to verify the information given in the questionnaire. Frequency, tables, percentages is the main statistical tools used for data analysis. Results of the analysis showed that services enhanced facilities in the reference section of the libraries were effectively communicated to users, teaching people how to find information and getting and getting users information needs satisfied thereby keeping the user abreast of the current information materials available in the libraries. It was also discovered that the communication skills of the reference librarians were inadequate due to language barrier, stereotype, semantic barrier, and the reference library users possess inadequate communication skill. Some recommendations were proffered to enhance the communication skills of reference librarians and their patrons for better service delivery. Some of these recommendations are: the study recommends that reference librarians must demonstrate a high level of dexterity in interpersonal communication; the study also recommends that more reference staff should be employed by the universities
