"Use of Internet by the Researchers of Indian Veterinary Research Inst" by Gyan Prakash

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-15-2013

Document Type



The internet has emerged as the most powerful medium for storage and retrieval of information. Since past few years many online information sources like e-journals, e-books, e-data-bases have increased considerably. The traditional library systems are going to transform into digital library systems. Information-seeking is important for researchers of agricultural sciences who have access to many dedicated electronic resources. World Wide Web was the most frequently used internet services and facilities. The present study is questionnaire based survey 150 questionnaires were distributed among the researchers of IVRI Deemed University during the academic year 2008-09. 135 Questionnaire were returned back, and after this 15 Questionnaire were rejected due to incomplete response. Therefore only 120 questionnaires were selected for this analysis and interpretation of data.
