Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Nwobasi, R. N., Uwa, E. O. & Ossai-Onah, O. V. (2013). Information Needs and Seeking Behaviour of Students in Two Universities in Imo State, Nigeria . Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper ( ). )


This study investigated information needs and seeking behaviour of undergraduate students in the library of Federal University of Technology and Imo State University library, Owerri using a comparative approach. The instrument used for the study was the student questionnaire. One thousand, one hundred and fifty two usable responses from each of the two institutions compared in the study were analysed by the use of frequency counts and percentages. A descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study; a purposive sampling technique was adopted. The undergraduate students in Federal University of Technology, Owerri sought for information in relation to their academic and research needs while in Imo State University sought for information resources on academic / research information, business information and industrial attachment/ employment information. The undergraduates in the Federal university of technology consulted shelves and catalogues to foster information seeking behaviour while in Imo State University, the undergraduates browse through the shelves signifying that the former utilized catalogues more significantly than the latter. Major reasons for seeking for information amongst undergraduate in FUTO include updating of knowledge and development of personal competencies, while that of IMSU include updating of knowledge, when carrying research , development of personal competencies and writing of assignment, the type of information resources mostly consulted by undergraduates in FUTO is the textbook, while that of IMSU is textbooks, periodical journals, reference books and project report. In FUTO the major militating factor affecting information needs and seeking behaviour was inadequate information resources while in IMSU inadequate information resources, inadequate qualified librarians and lack of time to access the information resources affected the information needs and seeking behaviour of students. Introduction of computerized or digital catalogues should be provided and made available to enable the students have access to information resources librarians should embrace effective management and use of ICT facilities to promote satisfaction of information needs and seeking behaviour of the students.
