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The study examined health information needs and information sources of pregnant women in Ogbomoso metropolis, Oyo state, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The instrument of questionnaire was used to elicit information from the two teaching hospitals in Ogbomoso metropolis namely: Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso and Bowen University Teaching hospital (BUTH), Ogbomosho. The period of administration of questionnaire covered two (2) months with the aid of staff Nurse/midwifes on duty. The total number of one hundred and fifty questionnaire was distributed to the respondents of which 136 copies were returned and analysed at 90.7% response rate.

The demographic characteristics of the respondents showed that there were graduate that participated in the study. Majority had just spent between 1-5years in marriage. Among information needs of pregnant women includes information on maternity, information on delivery and information on breast feeding among others.

The study also found no significant relationship between use of health information sources and information needs of pregnant women (N=136, r =-050, P= >01). The study found significant joint effect of independent variables (information needs of pregnant women, source of health information used and constraint to use of health information) on use of health information sources F(3,132) 1,583; R=.186, = R2.035; P >.05). Few recommendations are given on creating awareness on use of health information sources by pregnant women.
