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University Libraries, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


The Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department offers the Bachelor of Science degree, the Master of Science Chemical Engineering (M.S.Ch.E) degree and the Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering with Specialization in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Ph.D.) degree. The Ph.D. is offered through the Unified Ph.D. Program in Engineering. Graduate courses include transport phenomena and operations, separation, thermodynamics and kinetics, diffusion, chemical engineering design, chemical processes, process control, automated operations, polymers, biochemical engineering, air pollution assessment and control, membrane principles and control, and system analysis. Research emphasis of the Department include absorption studies, distillation, applied thermodynamics, crystallization from solution, polymerization kinetics, heat and mass transfer, phase equilibrium, direct energy conversion, reaction kinetics, computer-aided design, process economics, and alcohol blended fuels. No significant overlap occurs within UNL. The Department cooperates with other departments to reduce overlap and duplication. The Department seeks to strengthen its relationship with UNMC.

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering offers a course of study designed for students who plan careers in a wide variety of industries, ranging from the chemical and process industries to biotechnology, electronics, and the environment. Students receive training in the basic subjects of mathematics, English, and physics in common with other students in engineering, but in addition receive extensive training in chemistry. In various courses the emphasis is placed on the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, separation processes, thermodynamics, kinetics, and process dynamics, as well as process economics and design of chemical processes.

Graduates are qualified to undertake work in research, design, development, production, maintenance, and technical sales in a wide variety of industries including chemicals, petroleum, petrochemicals, rubber, plastics, agricultural chemicals, food, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, paper, fabrics, aircraft, automotive, electronics, energy conversion, and environmental pollution prevention and control. The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering is located in Othmer Hall. A state-of-the-art unit operations laboratory used to give hands-on chemical process experience is located there. Laboratory equipment is provided for the study of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, staged operations, process control, thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, and polymerization. The department operates its own microcomputer facility. Additional research equipment is available for independent and graduate study in several areas.
