Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type


Date of this Version

April 1983


Published by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University Libraries, Lincoln, Neb.: 1983. Copyright (c) 1983 Judith E. Thornton-Järinge.


In the competition to get the best materials for your course work or independent research, the UNL Libraries will be one of your most valuable resources. We have a wide variety of materials and services to offer, but we can't grab you and shove them under your nose. It would cause talk.

We do suggest, however, that you read this pamphlet. By applying what it tells you to your own library needs, you can quickly become a more effective and confident library user, one who can efficiently determine whether we have the materials you need and how to find them on the shelf.

But remember, if you are confused by the catalog or if you don't find what you want, the staff at the Information Desk will be delighted to help you. Don't hesitate to interrupt them if they are reading--it's just something they do while they are waiting for you to ask a question.
