Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type


Date of this Version

September 1993


Published in Nebraska Library Association Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 3 (Fall 1993), pp. 20-22. Copyright (c) 1993 Katherine Walter.


The Nebraska Newspaper Project completed a planning grant in 1992/93 with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The grant provided support for a major survey to identify significant collections of newspapers around Nebraska. Surveys were sent to newspaper publishing companies, county and municipal clerks' offices, historical societies, libraries, and genealogical societies. While there were many responses to the written surveys, telephone calls had to be made to about one third of the institutions. In some cases, staff visited collections around the state to verify holdings.

The survey proved that the most significant collection in the state is at the Nebraska State Historical Society in Lincoln. It also proved that the Nebraska State Historical Society does not have a monopoly on the>state's newspapers. Some real finds were made--newspapers previously unknown to the Nebraska State Historical Society, newspaper issues that fill gaps in the Society's collections, and unusual newspapers printed on paper made from corn stalks and wallpaper. Some ethnic newspaper collections were discovered. For example, the University Libraries in Lincoln has an important collection of Czech American newspapers.
