Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Government Documents at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries and the National Archives and Records Administration are pleased to announce the release of a World Wide Web site, entitled “Kappler’s map: The Platte River image from the Treaty with the Pawnee: Grand, Loups, Republicans, etc., 1848.”

We welcome your comments, as well as your error reports. The URL for this resource is


In the second volume of his Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties collation, Charles J. Kappler employed a map to denote the lands ceded by the Treaty with the Pawnee – Grand, Loups, Republicans, etc., 1848. This image, along with the instrument’s text, was taken from the Statutes at Large. The plat is distinctive in its status as the only map to appear in the volumes of the Statutes before 1907.
