Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln



Mary Bolin

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Date of this Version



Bolin, M. K. (2014). Open Access Web Resources for Library Continuing Education and Training. In S. Hines (Ed.), Revolutionizing the Development of Library and Information Professionals: Planning for the Future (pp. 107-124). Hershey, PA: . doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4675-9.ch008


Bolin, M. K. (2014). Open Access Web Resources for Library Continuing Education and Training. In S. Hines (Ed.), Revolutionizing the Development of Library and Information Professionals: Planning for the Future (pp. 107-124). Hershey, PA: . doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-4675-9.ch008


Continuing education and training are essential for a vital and productive organization and for employee adaptability and job satisfaction. Libraries of all types are organizations that value learning. Training and development for library employees is expensive, and can be out of reach for smaller institutions, or libraries that are not well-funded. Regardless of funding, libraries of all types can benefit from the wide variety of training and continuing education opportunities available on the Web as open access resources. These include documentation, journal articles, reports and white papers, online courses, videos, podcasts, and so on, from many different reliable sources. This chapter surveys major sources and types of open access online learning, and evaluates their usefulness for library employees.
