Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Barnes, Joan M. 2017. Student to student marketing and engagement: A case study of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries Peer Guides. In Sara Arnold-Garza and Carissa Tomlinson (eds.), Students Lead the Library: The Importance of Student Contributions to the Academic Library, pp. 129-146. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.


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This chapter examines an undergraduate student peer guide employment program that works to promote the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) Libraries’ services and resources. As a part of this program, students engage peers by staffing booths at recruitment events, posting on social media, planning and implementing library events, and gathering feedback from students using surveys or other methods. Each peer guide is assigned to lead an area and to collaborate with the remaining peer guides on projects as needed. There have been challenges and successes within the UNL Libraries peer guide program, including the influence peer guides have on the creation and implementation of the marketing products themselves. The students become de facto advisors to the UNL Libraries’ efforts to promote its services to students in their own age group. The UNL Libraries benefit from the advice given by the peer guides and in other ways, such as expanding our outreach to more students, increased publicity of Libraries resources and services, and from the feedback the peer guides get from other students.
