Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln

UNL Libraries: Faculty Publications
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The term "aerospace" incorporates all aspects of flight including aviation, aeronautics, and astronautics. This ASEE Selective Guide to Literature on Aerospace Engineering identifies essential sources of information according to their function and format. The Guide will be useful for practicing engineers, engineering faculty, and engineering students and all who need to know where to look for information on a variety of topics in aerospace engineering. Librarians, library and information science students, and other information professionals will find it useful for planning access services and for collection development. From the launching of balloons in the 19th century to the airplane and spacecraft flights of this century, the aerospace literature has recorded scientific, governmental, industrial, and commercial efforts and achievements. The literature of aerospace engineering over the past 100 years remains of current interest, as knowledge in this field is cumulative and relevant to both historians and practitioners. The entire aerospace effort continues to command a high profile in modern society and is of benefit to people everywhere. As the field of aerospace engineering continues to grow and change, it will be even more important to track its activities and accomplishments through the literature sources listed here. This Guide includes bibliographies, guides to the literature, indexes and abstracts, Internet resources, encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, directories, specifications and standards, government documents, statistical sources, selected periodicals, and selected conference proceedings. Selections are based on the compilers' knowledge and experience in engineering librarianship and interlibrary loan services. Members of the ASEE Engineering Libraries Division and the SLA Aerospace and Engineering Divisions were generous with their input and suggestions. Publishers were occasionally inserted as assumed corporate authors. One such example is Jane's Information Group. The resulting advantage is that all publications for a publisher were then grouped together.
Engineering Literature Guides, Number 24. Published by American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Libraries Division. Copyright © 1997 by American Society for Engineering Education. Used by permission.