Biological Systems Engineering


Date of this Version



Published by University of Nebraska – Lincoln’s Livestock Environmental Issues Committee.


Marketing Manure - Part 2

This is part 2 of a two part series discussing the results of a manure marketing survey conducted by the University of Nebraska.
The survey attempted to identify those services that were packaged with the export of manure to off-farm customers. At this time, many producers do not offer any services to enhance the value of manure (Table 4). Of those exporting manure to off farm users, 40% offered no agronomic services, 51% provided no nuisance avoidance services, and 70% offered no manure processing services. However, there were a number of feedlots that offered services designed to enhance the value of manure. Most producers offered one or more agronomic services with manure sampling, measurement of manure application rate, and adjustment in application rate for individual crop and field conditions being the most common. Of those marketing manure, 12.5% provided one agronomic service, 12.5% provided two services, 30% provided three or more services.

To minimize nuisance issues, daytime application to avoid noise nuisance and setback distance were the most commonly reported efforts. Composting of manure was reported by almost one-quarter of the feedlots exporting manure. Most feedlots are providing those services with resources from within the feedlot and have not partnered with other businesses or individuals to export manure (90%). Two feedlots indicated that they were working with a crop consultant.
