Architecture, College of
Date of this Version
Spring 5-15-2023
Document Type
Iconic architecture has presented a preferential nature to the establishment of architectural work. Academically, only the architectural a-side is presented to students. It is used as a means to develop, measure, and identify good work. Meanwhile, the architectural B-side is deliberately hidden away and censored by the profession. It exploits the perverse - displaying all of architecture’s failures, glitches, and anomalies.1 However, the notion of the a and b sides also presents problematic consequences. Prescribing architecture as either a or b side is problematic - it creates a divide between iconic architecture and all the other works deemed ‘insignificant’. Even the manner in which the architectural routine has catered to the development of iconic works must be challenged. The process or 'routine' of architectural development does not provide a means for exploration into other affinities or even allow the ability to explore in 'non-traditional' methods; instead, it prioritizes efficiency rather than production. Originally aiming to exposé the preferential nature of the architectural icons through the architectural a and b sides, this thesis will serve as a means of developing architectural investigations to expand the references and, in turn the voices that are included within the dialog of architectural design.
A Design Thesis Presented to the Faculty of The College of Architecture at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Architecture, Major: Architecture, Under the Supervision of Professor: Brian Kelly. Lincoln, Nebraska: May 2023
Copyright 2023 Olena Yarmolyuk