"Students Writing Original Word Problems" by Marcia Ostmeyer

Math in the Middle Institute Partnership


Date of this Version



Math in the Middle Institute Partnership, Action Research Project Report, in partial fulfillment of the MAT Degree. Department of Mathematics. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. July 2009.


In this action research study of my eighth grade mathematics classroom, I investigated what would happen when I shifted part of my instruction to focus on students writing original word problems. I also investigated whether students could show measureable growth in the quality of word problems they wrote throughout the research project. Additionally, I explored whether my students would develop a more positive attitude toward word problems as a result of writing their own word problems. Through surveys and journal responses, I discovered that the focus of my teaching shifted to a role as a facilitator for my students’ writings instead of the role of the instructor. Evaluation by a rubric did not show measurable growth in the quality of word problems written by students. Student surveys, student journals and teacher journals did show a marked improvement in student attitudes toward word problems as a result of the research project. As a result of this research, I plan to continue this practice in my eighth grade classroom in the future.
