"The Intrusions of Science" by S. B. Gass

Mid-West Quarterly, The (1913-1918)


Date of this Version



Published in THE MID-WEST QUARTERLY Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 1913).


It is not infrequently related that human arrogance was sadly but not unjustly rebuked by Darwin and the evolutionary science of the Nineteenth Century. And indeed from the point of view of pure science there was arrogance in an assumption that the enveloping intelligence of the universe looked upon mankind as its terminus ad quem to which all parts were subordinate--in an assumption that men were made in the likeness of an over-ruling power that worked by ways which, paradoxically, even that likeness was fain to call mysterious and incomprehensible. Science seemed to make these ways less mysterious, less incomprehensible; but the price paid was a fall of that pride of place. The biological continuity of man in the hierarchy of the beasts that perish was a little hard to bear, and it had to be borne.
