Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center: Faculty Publications
310C Jorgensen Hall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0299 United States
Phone: (402) 472-6933
Fax: (402) 472-6148
Angular dependence of magnetization reversal process in exchange coupled ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla
Closely linear temperature dependence of exchange bias and coercivity in out-of-plane exchange-biased [Pt/Co] 3/NiO (11 Å) multilayer, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla
Out-of-plane exchange coupling between epitaxial Ni(50 Å) and NiO(600 Å) bilayers, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla
Variation of domain formation in a 15 nm NiFe layer exchange coupled with NiO layers of different thicknesses, Z.Y. Liu and Shireen Adenwalla
Atomic, electronic, and magnetic properties of magnetic tunnel junctions, I.I. Oleynik and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal
The electronic structure of metal/alkane thiol self-assembled monolayers/metal junctions for magnetoelectronics applications, Y.A. Ovchenkov, H. Geisler, J.M. Burst, S.N. Thornburg, C.A. Ventrice Jr., Chunjuan Zhang, Jody G. Redepenning, Yaroslav B. Losovyj, Luis G. Rosa, Peter A. Dowben, and Bernard Doudin
Studies of magnetic properties of the stabilizing layer for synthetic antiferromagnetically coupled media, Z.S. Shan, L. Bitman, S.S. Malhotra, D. Stafford, B. Bian, and G. Bertero
Effects of rapid thermal annealing on nanostructure, texture and magnetic properties of granular FePt:Ag films for perpendicular recording (invited), Y. Shao, M.L. Yan, and David J. Sellmyer
Spin-wave modes in magnetic nanowires, Ralph Skomski, M. Chipara, and David J. Sellmyer
Finite-Temperature Anisotropy of PtCo Magnets, Ralph Skomski, Arti Kashyap, and David J. Sellmyer
Equivalence of sweep-rate and magnetic-viscosity dynamics, Ralph Skomski, Roger D. Kirby, and David J. Sellmyer
Spin structure at nanojunctions and constrictions, Ralph Skomski and David J. Sellmyer
Resonant tunneling in magnetoresistive Ni/NiO/Co nanowire junctions, Andrei Sokolov, Ildar F. Sabiryanov, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Bernard Doudin, Xingzhong Li, and Jody G. Redepenning
Bistable memory effect in chromium oxide junctions, Andrei Sokolov, C.-S. Yang, E. Ovtchenkov, L. Yuan, Sy-Hwang Liou, and Bernard Doudin
CoPt hard magnetic nanoparticle films synthesized by high temperature chemical reduction, Yucheng Sui, Lanping Yue, Ralph Skomski, Xingzhong Li, J. Zhou, and David J. Sellmyer
Resonant Inversion of Tunneling Magnetoresistance, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Andrei Sokolov, Ildar F. Sabiryanov, and Bernard Doudin
Magnetic transitions in disordered GdAl2, D. S. Williams, Paul M. Shand, Thomas M. Pekarek, Ralph Skomski, Valeri G. Petkov, and Diandra Leslie-Pelecky
Magnetic properties of L10 FePt and FePt:Ag nanocluster films, Yinfan Xu, Zhiguang Sun, Y. Qiang, and David J. Sellmyer
Fabrication of nonepitaxially grown double-layered FePt:C/FeCoNi thin films for perpendicular recording, M.L. Yan, Xingzhong Li, L. Gao, Sy_Hwang Liou, David J. Sellmyer, R.J.M van de Veerdonk, and K.W. Wierman
Highly oriented nonepitaxially grown L10 FePt films, M.L. Yan, Nathan D. Powers, and David J. Sellmyer
Magnetotransport properties of CrO2 films down to single-grain sizes, Lu Yuan, Y. Ovchenkov, Andrei Sokolov, C.-S. Yang, Bernard Doudin, and Sy_Hwang Liou
Recording characteristics of perpendicular magnetic media with CoZrNb, NiFeNb, and exchange-pinned NiFeNb soft magnetic underlayers, Min Zheng, Albert Chekanov, Geon Choe, Kenneth E. Johnson, Lan Gao, and Sy_Hwang Liou
Magnetic hysteresis of mechanically alloyed Sm–Co nanocrystalline powders, J. Zhou, Ralph Skomski, and David J. Sellmyer
Spin blockade in ferromagnetic nanocontacts, M. Ye Zhuralev, Evgeny Y. Tsymbal, Sitaram Jaswal, A.V. Vedyayev, and B. Dieny