"Revisions of Two Subgenera of <i>Andrena</i>: <i>Micrandrena</i> Ashm" by David O. Ribble

Museum, University of Nebraska State


Date of this Version


Document Type



BULLETIN OF The University of Nebraska State Museum, VOLUME 8, NUMBER 5 OCTOBER 1968, Pp. 237-394 Figs. 1-124 Maps 1-18


Copyright 1968 University of Nebraska


This paper is a monographic revision of the bee subgenera Micrandrena Ashmead and Derandrena, new subgenus, of the genus Andrena in North America. Both subgenera occur in the New World and Micrandrena also occurs in the Old World. Twenty-eight species are treated, of which twelve are new: Andrena (Micrandrena) annectens, ishii, labergei, lamelliterga, lepidii, micheneri, Andrena (Derandrena) arctostaphylae, californiensis, hermosa, murietae, penutiani, viridissima. Thirteen names are placed in synonymy: Andrena semotula Cockerell with candidiformis Viereck and Cockerell; subtilicornis Viereck, nitidicornis Cockerell, chlorogaster nesiotes Timberlake, chlorogaster gavilanica Timberlake, radialis Timberlake, catalinica Cockerell with chlorogaster Viereck; vegana Viereck and Cockerell with illinoiensis Robertson; fragariana Graenicher with melanochroa Cockerell; salicinellina Viereck and Cockerell, abacta Viereck with nigrae Robertson; solutula Cockerell with vandykei Cockerell; vernalis Mitchell with ziziae Robertson. Three species are reassigned to the subgenus Thysandrena: Andrena cercocarpi Cockerell, chlorine/la Viereck, haroldi Timberlake. One species Andrena nothoscordi is removed from Micrandrena and remains unassigned. Although primarily a taxonomic study, this work brings together available data concerning distribution, biological information and flower preferences. A total of 10,054 bees were examined during this study.
