World of Viruses | Museum, University of Nebraska State | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
We live in a world of viruses.

Viruses infect billions of people each year. They can cause mild disease like colds or deadly ones like AIDS. Viruses also infect other animals, plants, and even bacteria. In a spoonful of seawater, there are millions of viruses. In fact, viruses are by far the most common life forms on Earth!

Scientists today are learning surprising things about how the world of viruses works. They are designing new vaccines and treatments to fight viruses.

They are even harnessing viruses to do useful things, like helping to treat diseases and build nanotechnology.

World of Viruses will introduce you to these mysterious and powerful life forms. On this website you can find radio programs, graphic stories, activities, and pictures that explore some of the biggest questions about viruses.

World of Viruses was made possible by a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA), Grant R25 RR024267-01 (2007-2012), from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NCRR or NIH.




How Do Teachers Use Comics to Promote Engagement, Equity, and Diversity in Science Classrooms?, Camilla Matuk, Talia Hurwich, Amy Spiegel, and Judy Diamond



Viruses, Vaccines and the Public, Judy Diamond, Julia McQuillan, Amy Spiegel, Patricia Wonch Hill, Rebecca Smith, John T. West, and Charles Wood



Expert–novice differences in mental models of viruses, vaccines, and the causes of infectious disease, Benjamin D. Jee, David H. Uttal, Amy N. Spiegel, and Judy Diamond


Engaging Teenagers with Science Through Comics, Amy N. Spiegel, Julia McQuillan, Peter Halpin, Camillia Matuk, and Judy Diamond



Going viral, Judy Diamond


World of Viruses: Going Viral, Judy Diamond