Music, School of


First Advisor

Hyeyung Yoon

Date of this Version


Document Type



A DOCTORAL DOCUMENT Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Musical Arts, Major: Music Specialization: Chamber Music, Under the Supervision of Hyeyung Yoon. Lincoln, Nebraska: May 2017

Copyright (c) 2017 James Moat


Miklós Rózsa’s Sonata for Violin Solo, written in 1986, is his last work for violin and completes a collection of pieces written for the violin dating back to 1929. There have been various scholarly papers written about Rózsa’s violin works, including Nancy Jane McKenney’s dissertation: ‘The Chamber Music of Miklós Rózsa’, and the book written by one of Rózsa’s close friends, Christopher Palmer: ‘Miklós Rózsa, A Sketch of his Life and Work’. Neither of these works discusses the Solo Sonata; in fact, Christopher Palmer’s book was published in 1974, 12 years before the sonata was even composed.

This document discusses the history of the Rózsa Sonata for Violin Solo and will make analytical insights into the music from a performer’s perspective. That includes researching the technical requirements placed on the performer, and understanding the meaning and influence behind the music. In order to gain this knowledge, the life of Miklós Rózsa will be reviewed, and the requirements of performing unaccompanied works will be discussed. This document should serve as a guideline for any performer interested in pursuing a study and performance of the Sonata.

Under the Supervision of Hyeyung Yoon
