"Boundary Approximations for Implicit Schemes for .One-Dimensional Inv" by Helen Yee, R. M. Beam et al.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Date of this Version



AIAA JOURNAL, VOL. 20, NO.9, SEPTEMBER 1982, pp. 1203-1211


U.S. government work


The applicability to practical calculations of recent theoretical developments in the stability analysis of difference approximations is examined for initial boundary-value problems of the hyperbolic type. For the numerical experiments the one-dimensional inviscid gasdynamic equations in conservation law form are selected. A class of implicit schemes based on linear multistep methods for ordinary differential equations is chosen and the use of space or space-time extrapolations as implicit or explicit boundary schemes is emphasized. Some numerical examples with various inflow-outflow conditions highlight the commonly discussed issues: explicit vs implicit boundary schemes, and unconditionally stable schemes.
