Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for



Date of this Version



Published by the National Invasive Species Council (2008) p. 1-36


The 2008–2012 National Invasive Species Management Plan (2008 Plan) is the first revision of the 2001 Plan, as mandated by EO 13112. This document will direct Federal efforts (including overall strategy and objectives) to prevent, control and minimize invasive species and their impacts within the next five fiscal years (2008 through 2012). If necessary, it may be updated more frequently to reflect changes in circumstances, agency plans and priorities. NISC member agencies, ISAC members, NISC staff, stakeholders and other experts have provided input in drafting this revision, which replaces the 2001 Plan.

The 2008 Plan is focused upon five “Strategic Goals”: Prevention; Early Detection and Rapid Response; Control and Management; Restoration; and Organizational Collaboration. To accomplish these strategic goals, critical support for efforts such as research, data and information management, education and outreach, and international cooperation elements are included in pertinent sections of the 2008 Plan.

Each of the five strategic goals specifies on-going objectives and the long-term vision for success in that area. Under each strategic goal, “Objectives” describe what is to be accomplished over the next five years, and “Implementation Tasks” describe what agencies expect to do in order to accomplish that objective. Within the “Implementation Tasks”, there are “Performance Elements” which allow for measurement of progress towards accomplishing identified tasks.

The 2008 Plan is not a comprehensive list of all federal invasive species actions. It is a targeted set of priority strategic action plans with objectives and implementation tasks that are intended to be completed in the next five years. The over-arching strategic goals and strategic action plan objectives remain consistent with the 2001 Plan. The accomplishment of specific implementation tasks and performance elements will be dependent upon agency budgets, and in some cases, legal or regulatory changes.

The 2008 Plan currently requires the work of 35 different “entities” (typically agencies or bureaus within NISC members’ departments and agencies) to achieve a total of 87 Performance Elements. Participating agencies are identified either as a “Lead” or a “Participant” to describe their role in accomplishing a specific Performance Element.
