Natural Resources, School of


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Great Plains Regional Center for Global Environmental Change. 1995. Toward an Integrated Regional Research Program on Global Change and the Nation's Major Grasslands.





A GPRC Research Framework and Thrusts

B FY94 GPRC Grant Competition

C Synopsis of Current Projects 1 Thrust 1: Impacts of Climate Change 2 Thrust 2: Measuring and Modeling Net Carbon Exchange 3 Other Projects

D Summary and Recommendations of FY94 GPRC PI's Workshop 1 Biogeochemical Cycling Group 2 Climate Scenarios Group 3 Managed and Unmanaged Ecosystem Impacts Group 4 Scaling Group 5 Actions Prompted by the Workshop

E Research Integration with ARM-CART: Eco-ARM

F Future Directions for the GPRC

Appendix I-A: Biogeochemical Cycling Group Workshop Report • Appendix I-B: Climate Change Scenarios Group Workshop Report • Appendix I-C: Managed and Unmanaged Ecosystem Impacts Group Workshop Report • Appendix 1-0: Funded Projects Table • Appendix I-E: Core Research Program Diagram • Appendix I-F: Regional Map

II RESEARCH PROGRESS REPORTS (Title, Principal Investigator, Institution):


1 Process Studies Effects of Altered Soil Moisture and Temperature on Soil Communities, Primary Producers and Ecological Processes in Grassland Ecosystems · John M Blair, Kansas State University

Impacts of global climate change on phytoplankton productivity in lakes along a thermal gradient · Kyle D Hoagland, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Natural Responses of Shallow Lakes and Wetlands for Detecting Climatic/Environmental Change · Donald C Rundquist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2 Climate Scenarios for Impact Analysis

Space-time Local Hydrology Influenced by Changing Climatology: Disaggregation, Prediction and Comparison · Istvan Bogardi, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Observational and Numerical Study for Interannual and Interdecadel Variabilities of the Atmospheric Circulation · Tsing-Chang Chen, Iowa State University

The Effect of Ecosystems on Cloud Microphysics and Aerosol Distribution · Qinghuan Han, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

Development of a Nested Regional Model for the Conterminous United States and Formation of High Resolution Climate Change Scenarios with an Application to Crop Climate Models · Linda Mearns, National Center for Atmospheric Research

The detection of Climate Change Using Long Term Daily Climate Records Over Grassland Regions of the Northern Hemisphere · Michael A Palecki, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

3 Modeling Impacts of Climate Change

Assessment of Climate Change on a Mixed Agricultural Landscape on the North American Great Plains · James R Brandle, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The Economic and Environmental Impact of Major Shifts in Land Use into Energy Biomass Production for Part of the Great Plains · Paul T Dyke, Texas A&M University

Local and Regional Scaling With a Spatially Explicit Ecological Model · George P Malanson, University of Iowa

Potential Global Warming Impacts on Vegetation Distribution, Productivity, and Hydrology at Landscape to Regional Scales in the Great Plains Region · Ronald P Neilson, Oregon State University


1 Process Studies

Carbon, Water, and Energy Fluxes From a Tallgrass Prairie: A Long-term investigation of Biological, Environmental, and Land Use Factors · Jay M Ham, Kansas State University

An Integrated Investigation of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Mid-Latitude Prairie Wetlands: Micrometeorological Measurements, Process-Level Studies and Modeling · Shashi B Verma, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2 Modeling Studies

Regional projections of C Dynamics with Global Change in the Central US Edward T Elliott, Colorado State University

Assessment of Climate and Management Induced Directional Changes in Great Plains Vegetation with NDVI and Stable Carbon Isotopes Larry L Tieszen, Augustana College


Climate Change in the Mid-continent of North America " William D Gosnold, University of North Dakota 105

Satellite Observation of Lake Ice as a Robust Indicator of Regional Climate Change Thomas M Ullesand, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Appendix II-A: Author Index

Great Plains Regional Center for Global Environmental Change

20 LW Chase Hall

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

PO Box 830725

Lincoln, NE 68583-0725

Phone 4021472-7887

Fax 4021472-6614

E-mail agme022@unlvmunledu

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This material is based upon work supported by the US Department of Energy under Cooperative Agreement No DE-FC03-90ER61 01 O Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the US Department of Energy