"Nebraska Wild Flowers" by Robert C. Lommasson and Paul Lommasson (Depositor)

Natural Resources, School of


Document Type


Date of this Version

January 1973


Copyright © 1973 by the University of Nebraska Press. Copyright © 2008 by Paul Lommasson and the Estate of Robert C. Lommasson.


This book is an attempt to present to the general public representative types of many of the conspicuous wild flowers found in Nebraska. These 260-some plants in no way constitute a flora of Nebraska which would number some 1,700 species of flowering plants. Included herein are both native and naturalized flowering herbaceous plants exclusive of the grasses and grasslike plants. Among these are plants that have had a long existence here and others which have recently invaded our area. Some are highly cherished and others are considered as common weeds. Excluded from this book are woody plants, such as trees, shrubs, and woody vines. Many herbaceous plants with inconspicuous flowers have also been excluded. All members of a family are placed together, thereby indicating those which are closely related. The sequence of families in the book follows the arrangement of plants in a herbarium and in some technical manuals. The genera within a family are alphabetically arranged. An exception occurs in the composite family in which the family is divided into tribes and the genera are in alphabetical sequence in each of the tribes. In most cases the species are presented in alphabetical order within the genus. A glossary of technical terms follows the text material. At the insistance of the publisher, keys have been provided for the plants which are listed in the book. There is no expectation that they will be of any use to the general reader. In the index the family, genus, and common names all occur in one alphabetical sequence with species indented and listed under each genus.