Natural Resources, School of

Karl Reinhard Publications
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Chungara, Revista de Antropologia Chilena 2000
Paieoparasitology has advance during the past decade to the status of a statistically based science focused on problems of disease ecology and geographic distribution of parasitism. For most of its development, paleoparasitology has focused on the analysis of coprolites and latrine sediments. During the past few years, mummies have been increasingly included in paleoparasitology studies. We evaluate in this paper the interpretive value of mummies relative to other sources of paleoparasitological data.
EI estudio de la paleoparasitologia ha logrado transformarse, en esta ultima decada, en una ciencia basada en la estadistica, enfocada a temas tales como la ecologia de enfermedades y la distribucion geografica parasitica. Los primeros estudios se basaron en el analisis de coprolitos y sedimentos letrinos. Ultimamente, se ha incorporado restos humanos momificados en los estudios paleoparasitologicos. En este trabajo, se analiza el valor interpretativo de este tipo de muestra en relacion a otras fuentes de informacion paleoparasitologica.
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