NCEA is the Professional Organization for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Division
NCEA is the state-wide umbrella organization that connects local Extension personnel to national organizations related to their field of work. These national organizations are referred to as sections.
NCEA promotes professional improvement to keep you inspired, provides scholarship, awards and leadership opportunities, and cultivates relationships between extension colleagues necessary for optimum work on Extension teams.
NCEA is the state-wide umbrella organization that connects local Extension personnel to national organizations related to their field of work. These national organizations are referred to as sections.
NCEA promotes professional improvement to keep you inspired, provides scholarship, awards and leadership opportunities, and cultivates relationships between extension colleagues necessary for optimum work on Extension teams.
Browse the Nebraska Cooperative Extension Association Collections:
Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP)
Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) -- ΕΣΠ
National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP)
National Association of Extension 4-H Agents (NAE4-HA)
National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS)