Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Date of this Version
Journal of Freshwater Ecology, Volume 10, Number 2
Weight-length data were compiled trom 289 redear sunfish Lepomis
microlophus populations. We applied the regression· line-percentile (RLP)
technique to weight-length data for 150 redear sunfish populations to develop
a new 75th-percentile standard weight (Ws) equation. The proposed RLP Ws
equation, log10Ws = -4.968 + 3.119log10TL where Ws is the standard weight
In grams and TL is the total length in millimeters, is valid for fish ≥70 mm TL
The English-unit equivalent, log10Ws = -3.263 + 3.119log10TL where Ws is the
standard weight In pounds and TL is the total length in inches, Is valid for fish
~3 in TL. We used the remaining 139 independent populations to evaluate the
current [log10 Ws = -5.164 + 3.227(log10TL)] and RLP Ws equations for any
length-related biases. We confirmed that the current Ws equation is length-biased.
That is, relative weight (Wr) values significantly decreased with
increasing fish length for far more populations (N=45) than they increased
(N=7). We tested the proposed RLP Ws equation with the same 139
populations, and found no consistent length-related bias in Wr values
calculated with the proposed RLP Ws equation (N=38, 29). Thus, we
recommend the use of the proposed RLP Ws equation for redear sunfish.