Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit


Date of this Version



Published in Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2004, 11, 33–38


The relationship between growth in white crappie, Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque, and climate, lake morphometry and population density was studied in 103 Texas reservoirs. Growth of age-0 through age-3 white crappie was significantly (P≤ 0.05) related to latitude, growing season and surface area. Growth of age-1 through age-5 white crappie also was related to annual precipitation. Multiple linear regression models with precipitation and mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) of white crappie as independent variables explained 14–22% of the variation in growth of age-0, -1 and -2 white crappie. By contrast, growth of age-3, -4 and -5 white crappie was unrelated to CPUE. Apparently, between age 2 and 3, the density of white crappie in Texas reservoirs falls below a density-dependent growth threshold beyond which growth is no longer related to density. This density-dependent threshold was most likely related to angler harvest of larger, older white crappie.
