National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version



Honors in Practice, 2021, Vol. 17:63–81


Copyright © 2021 National Collegiate Honors Council


This study examines implications of a rights-based perspective among honors students through the lens of healthcare. Students (n = 71) surveyed in April 2019 were asked to consider issues relating to health entitlement and government responsibility. Perspectives on local, regional, national, and global access to health care; state and national government fiscal responsibility; and rights-based approaches to health entitlement were elicited. Data indicate a propensity for understanding health as a human right among honors students. Probit regressions show a more inclusive stance on healthcare policy and a general preference toward a universal healthcare system. Acknowledging that innovative curricula can help students comprehend and tackle complex issues, the authors suggest that honors programs and practitioners are uniquely poised to help illumine political issues associated with healthcare, which are often abundant and perplexing.
