"Embracing New Opportunities in and beyond First-Year Honors Compositi" by Teagan Decker and Scott Hicks

National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type



Honors in Practice, 2022, Vol. 18: 131–47


© Copyright 2022 by the National Collegiate Honors Council


Authors describe course-embedded research experiences at a diverse, rural, regional university. Emphasizing the capacity for conventional teaching and learning in first-year honors composition, these experiences provide relationshiprich education through faculty and peer mentorships. Positing that first-year honors composition is undervalued as a means for establishing programmatic foundations that resonate with students throughout their honors experience, the authors reinforce its importance as a place for disciplinary research and thus for opportunities in mentoring. By addressing an urgent need for mentoring underrepresented students, the authors consider how a research-based first-year honors composition course might help such students make meaningful disciplinary connections. A curricular overview is provided, with references to impact studies on mentorship, persistence, and student success beyond first-year courses and general educational curricula, setting the stage for sustained, whole-college mentorship in the honors experience.
