National Collegiate Honors Council


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Honors in Practice (2024) 20; National Collegiate Honors Council; Guest editor: John Zubizarreta


Copyright 2024, National Collegiate Honors Council. Used by permission.


This essay documents approaches to growing honors affiliate faculties through community and university partnerships. The need for new strategies to prepare non-traditional faculties is shown by evidence that the student population is changing and by the critical responsibility honors programs have in the mentorship of diverse students. Professionals, local experts, student affairs administrators, and international scholars can make valuable contributions to honors programs and colleges, given their practical insights and hands-on experiences. Methods for selecting, recruiting, and integrating affiliate faculty into honors education are also shared. The authors cite examples of successful collaborations with community leaders, officers in multicultural affairs offices, and staff members from study abroad programs. The authors underscore the need for faculty development programs, flexible and attractive honors teaching assignments, and meaningful support by campus leadership to improve affiliate faculty scholarship and teaching.
