"Honoring Experiential Education" by Debra Holman, Tony Smith et al.

National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


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Published in Honors in Practice, volume 5. Copyright 2009 National Collegiate Honors Council.


In the Center for Honors, Scholars and Leadership at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC), we are actively pursuing expansion of our experiential-education offerings and are working collaboratively with a variety of community partners and key campus offices to develop, track, and promote opportunities for students. Our efforts focus on providing honors and leadership students with a variety of experiential-education placements and giving students across the campus opportunities to engage more fully in service, internships, and research. Central to our efforts is a philosophy that all students can choose to exercise honor in their academic careers not solely through outstanding achievement but also through out-of-classroom activities and engagement with community. Honors programs and colleges are in a unique position to foster such student experiences and promote a culture of honorable civic engagement on our campuses.
