National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version

Fall 2003


Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 4:2, Fall/Winter 2003. Copyright © 2003 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.


It is my nature to come at the question of honors from an idealistic perspective. I willingly admit that from the outset. However, as a student affairs professional I strive for balance in thought and in practice. I intend, through this manuscript, to provide a comprehensive, thoughtful look at the institutional commitment to honors tracks in higher education. Hence I explore, first, the controversial questions surrounding honors admissions policies. In addition, I look at the discrepancies that exist between the privileges afforded to honors students versus non-honors students. I believe these two issues challenge all honors administrators to remain vigilant in regard to the idea of honor and the oftentimes questionable barriers set in place that confer honors privileges. My graduate assistantship in the Provost’s Office at The University of Vermont has provided me with an administrative angle on honors which has pressed me to construct my own unique view of what honors is and can be. In turn, I hope to challenge honors administrators to continue to actively reconstruct the notion of honors education in the Academy.
