National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version

Fall 2000


Published in the Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 1:2, Fall/Winter 2000. Copyright © 2000 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.


I have been asked to provide a retrospective connecting my recent decision to resign as dean of the Honors College at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) with my involvement in NCHC as a proponent for the inclusion of more and better mathematics and science in honors education. My career in honors began in 1985 when I was appointed the first director of UNL V's Honors Program and formally ended this past summer with my return to the Physics Department at UNL V. During the period between the Pittsburgh conference in 1995 and the San Francisco conference in 1996, I had the pleasure and honor of serving as NCHC President. In between those endpoints, 1985 and 2000, I have presented several workshops on the topic of science and mathematics education at honors conferences and had various musings about pedagogy published in honors journals (see References). What follows is a summary of successes and failures intermingled with suggestions on science and mathematics education in honors with an overlay of more general observations gleaned from fifteen years in honors.
