National Collegiate Honors Council

National Collegiate Honors Council Monographs
Date of this Version
Document Type
Place, Self, Community: City as Text™ in the Twenty-First Century
Edited by Bernice Braid and Sara E. Quay. National Collegiate Honors Council, 2021.
Introduction — Place, Self, Community: City as Text™ in the Twenty-First Century by Bernice Braid
PART 1: Theory and Practice of City as Text™ — Brain Activity and Experiential Learning by Paul Witkovsky • Lost in Learning: Mapping the Position of Teacher in the Classroom and Beyond by Susan M. Cannata, Jesse Peters, Alix Dowling Fink, Edward L. Kinman, JoEllen Pederson, Phillip L. Poplin, and Jessi B. Znosko • Learning from the Land: Creating Authentic Experience-Based Learning that Fosters Sustained Civic Engagement by Ted Martinez and Kevin Gustafson • Integrating Dynamic Systems Theory and City as Text™ Framework: In-Depth Reflections on ‘Lens’ by Ron Weerheijm and Patricia Vuijk, with a contibution from Bernice Braid
PART 2: Self-in-Context through Integrative Learning —Reflections on the 1978 United Nations Semester by Dawn Schock • Engaging with the World: Integrating Reflections and Agency by Will Daniel • The Merits of Applied Learning by Michael Rossi • Committee as Text by Mimi Killinger
PART 3: Designing City as Text™ Integrative Learning Experiences — Connecting to Place: A City as Text™ Assignment Sequence by Sara E. Quay • Reading the Local in the New Now: Mapping Hidden Opportunities for Civic Engagement in the First Virtual City as Text™ Faculty Institute by Season Ellison, Leslie Heaphy, Amaris Ketcham, Toni Lefton, Andrew Martino, and Sara E. Quay • Doubling Back on the City as Text™ Walkabout by Gabrielle Watling • Transforming Community-Based Learning through City as Text™ by Jean-Paul Benowitz
Conclusion —Acts of Interpretation: Pedagogies of Inquiry by Bernice Braid
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